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Bacteria & Viruses

COVER 7-5 crop Bacteria & Viruses Math Sheet 4.jpg
Bacteria & Viruses Math Sheet 3
Bacteria & Viruses Math Sheet 2
Bacteria & Viruses Math Sheet 1

Description of Cricut Lesson & Activity

Use this fun match sheet to teach students about bacteria and viruses. Optional, you can print the bacteria and virus images on sticker paper to make matching and sticking even easier.

Created For Educators By:

Henriette Rossouw

CCA - Henriette

ISTE Standards

  • 1.1a Learning Goals

  • 1.1b Customized Learning Environments

State / Local / Other Standards

  • Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS): MS-LS1-2: Develop and use a model to describe the function of a cell as a system.

  • National Science Education Standards (NSES): Content Standard C: Life Science - Organisms and environments.

Learning Objective(s)

  • Students will be able to differentiate between bacteria and viruses, including their structure, reproduction, and roles in ecosystems.

Materials Required

  • KraftBoard
  • Printable Cardstock or Sticker Paper

Other tools and materials:
  • Black Pen
  • Glue


  • Using your machine cut and draw the Kraftboard base of the project.

  • Print then cut the virus and bacteria images.

  • Have students match the viruses and bacteria images to the names, and glue for a fun learning guide to study from.


  • Students will complete a two-part assessment:
    1. A matching activity where they pair terms with their definitions related to bacteria and viruses.
    2. A short written response where they explain the key differences between bacteria and viruses and provide examples of each.

Download Rubric Here