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DIY Sextant: Navigate the Stars with Cricut

Sextant Star Navigator 1
Sextant Star Navigator 3

Description of Cricut Lesson & Activity

Create your own sextant and learn about mapping with the stars.

ISTE Standards

  • 1.1a Learning Goals

  • 1.1b Customized Learning Environments

State / Local / Other Standards

  • NGSS HS-ESS2-2: Analyze and interpret data to determine the relationships among the various Earth systems.

  • CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats to address a scientific question.

Learning Objective(s)

  • Students will be able to use a sextant to determine their latitude by measuring the angle of a celestial body above the horizon.

Materials Required

  • Cardstock in desired color
  • Printable Cardstock

Other tools and materials:
  • Glue
  • String
  • Straw
  • Metal Washer or paperclip


  • Cut images using your machine.

  • Glue the cardstock pieces together.

  • Tie string through hole and to washer or paperclip.

  • Glue straw along the top of the cardstock base.


  • Students will complete a practical assessment where they will use a sextant to measure angles and calculate their latitude based on those measurements. A rubric will be used to evaluate accuracy, understanding of the sextant's use, and the calculation process.

Download Rubric Here