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School Bundles
K12 Classroom Teachers

K12 Classroom Teachers School Bundles
Cricut Joy Educator Card Making Bundle


Inspire learning, promote creative expression, and build community at your school with Cricut. A classroom bundle for K12 Classroom Teachers featuring Cricut’s most compact cutting machine with card-making materials.

Cricut Joy Educator Label Making Bundle 01_JoyEducatorLabel

Inspire learning, promote creative expression, and build community at your school with Cricut. A classroom bundle for K12 Classroom Teachers featuring Cricut’s most compact cutting machine with versatile labeling materials.

Joy Extra
K12 Classroom Teachers School Bundles
Cricut Joy Xtra Classroom Bundle


K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Joy Extra Educator Classroom Bundle with project-making materials.

Cricut Joy Xtra Classroom Bundle + Educator Classroom Labeling Bundle
02_JoyXtraEducator + 01_EducatorLabel

Add labels to your Cricut Joy Xtra to ensure you never run out in school year, K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Joy Xtra Educator Classroom Bundle with project-making materials.

Cricut Joy Xtra Classroom Bundle + Educator Sticker Making Bundle
02_JoyXtraEducator + 01_EducatorSticker

Add additional sticker sets and printable vinyl to your Cricut Joy Xtra to ensure you never run out in school year. K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Joy Xtra Educator Classroom Bundle with project-making material

Cricut Explore 3
K12 Classroom Teachers School Bundles
Cricut Explore 3 Educator Bundle


K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Joy Xtra Educator Classroom Bundle with project-making materials.

Cricut Explore 3 Educator Bundle + Semester Materials
(Choose from Vinyl or Sticker Cardstock)



01_ExplorerEducator 2 OR 01_ExplorerEducator 1

Add all the Smart Paper Sticker Cardstock or Vinyl materials you need for the school semester. K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Explore 3 Educator Bundle with project-making materials.

Cricut Explore 3 Educator Bundle + Full-Year Materials
(Choose from Vinyl or Sticker Cardstock)



Group 5 OR Group 6

Add all the Smart Paper Sticker Cardstock or Vinyl materials you need for the school year. K12 Classroom Teachers can create inspiring learning spaces & lessons, promote creative expression & hands-on learning, and support STEM education with the Cricut Explore 3 Educator Bundle with project-making materials.


Campus Bundle
